Tuesday, January 29, 2008

inmates and movie trailers

Today, something interesting occurred on my commute back from Stonehill.

I found myself behind a van from the Bristol County Sherrif's Department at a red light. This van was filled with inmates emblazoned with orange jumpsuits. As I paused qat the light, one of the inmates in the back window began making lewd gestures at me. Inappropriate. I proceeded to pass the van on the right, to get away. I do feel relieved knowing the man is already incarcerated, but hey, commuting is always bizarre.

In other news, I have been meaning to post on this for a few days now, a new movie trailer caught my interest the other day. The trailer is below, and it is for the new Colin Farrel movie In Bruges. The movie opened at the Sundance Festival recently. I thought the film's scenery looked familiar not just because I went to Bruges in November, but also because the hideout scenes were filmed at the same hotel Lee and I stayed at! The scene where Colin Farrell and his costar are eating breakfast and reading the telegram from his boss, is the exact same place where Lee and I ate our breakfast each morning. I can't wait to see this film, its a great video postcard my 20th birthday trip. I am just surprised no one at the hotel told us a movie has been filmed there in the past year! and of all the locations in Europe, Bruges is a bit bizarre.


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