Sunday, September 30, 2007

Meg's Birthday

Yesterday was Megan's 20th birthday. I got up early yesterday morning and took the bus An Lar (to the city Center) in order to attempt to do some errands. Since my errands were thwarted I got Meg a birthday gift and some coffee and went back to Lissenfield. Megan called Rory our amazing RA person sort of to tell him to fix her broken boxspring. The previous occupants attempted to fix it with a shelf from the closet. Creative.
After waiting for Rory for some time, we ended up just heading to the National Botanic Garden in Glasnevin. The Botanic Garden is a good 40 minute bus ride on the other side of Dublin, but was well worth the journey. We wandered around the gardens and took alot of great pictures. Unfortunately the internet here is very slow so I am only able to upload a small amount, but I took alot of beautiful pictures. Check my Flickr album for a small sample.
After our adventure to the Botanic Garden, Meg and I went to dinner at our local thai restaurant.

This morning, I went out to Aldi, the other grocery store near by. Aldi reminds me alot of some of the hispanic grocery stores at home. You only get one choice for all the products, it is very cheap, and also sells random items such as TV's, pillows and hand tools. I manged to pick up a few items there including some cupcakes, which I have been trying to track down for some time.

The rest of the day is open ended. I plan on laying around for the most part. It is a rainy day here in Dublin, and it is making me really miss summer at Treetops.


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