Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Fresher's Week

All this week at Trinity College is Fresher's Week. Yesterday, was rather uneventful. Today, however, kept me busy from 9am to 11pm with meetings, wine receptions, and theatre.

The educational system in Ireland is much more relaxed when it comes to orientation and course selection. In America, we are so used to being able to create our college schedules not only for the upcoming semester, but also for all the semesters of our entire college experience. This creates a rather frustrating task for all Visiting Students who hail from America. No, I do not know my class schedule. In fact, no one knows their schedule because the college has not posted any of the timetables for any of the courses as of yet. This morning my first stop was to check in at the English Department. I was supplied with some reading lists and a course list, but was informed that timetables would appear in the next few days...whenever they were done, on the board. I am so anxious to just get a solid routine down here!

The following orientation meetings catered towards Visiting and International Students helped to calm those fears, and help to make more sense of the whole wacky system. In between the boring yet informational meetings, there was a great amount of excitement around the front square of the college, which has been populated by a ring of tables representing the 92 clubs and socities on campus all badgering you with free food and goody bags and party tickets all in an attempt to get your membership fees from you. Apparently, at Trinity this whole society and club thing is a big deal. Depending on the amount of members, the club can get more money and sponsorship from a brand, say Heineken for example. There is literally a club for everything. While navigating the chaos I managed to sign up with Literary Society, the radio station and the notorious Phil. The Phil and the Hist are the two largest and oldest societies on campus. Established as debating societies, these groups are a huge deal on campus and sponsor a large amount of events on campus and host various celebrity speakers. Apparently the Hist is the older and more prestigious, with the Phil being more snooty yet casual. At least thats what I can gather from the sales pitches we recieved from their very eager members.

Joining the Phil guarantees you admission to all their speakers ans events, not to mention admission to a great study spot on campus, and free food. I know my brother is jealous. Not quite the Stewards, but it is a start.

There was also a free Wine Reception that I was able to get one glass of wine in before we rushed off to a dinner and a play with the rest of the Arcadia students. The play was a modern adaptation of The Playboy of the Western World at the Abbey Theatre.

Now I am completely knackered, and ready for bed. Tomorrow I formally register, and time table publication willing, enroll in classes.

until tomorrow....good luck.

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