Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Today I finally registered with Trinity College and made it official. I am now a student here in Dublin. Megan and I got up early to get in line outside of the Exam Hall in Front Square, in the pouring rain of course, to get out student ID and Academic Diary. Afterwards I went to an informal meeting at the English department about course selection, and discovered that timetables are not out until tomorrow. Surprise. Surprise. We were assured that the timetable will be available tomorrow after the official English Department meeting and we should be able to finalize our schedules tomorrow.

I cannot wait.

I got back to the flat in time for lunch, and relaxed all afternoon. I took a trip to the third and final grocery store near by, Dunnes Store. Dunnes is sort of an Irish Walmart, but way smaller and more like a department store that has groceries. They did have carrying baskets, but a weird selection. Grocery shops here are not as varied and have less convenience items. It seems you have to almost make everything from scratch, there are no mixes or Lean Cuisines or Mac and Cheese. Somehow I am surviving however on alot of fruit, vegetables, cheese, cereal, and soups. And the occasional take out experience. Once I master the oven and cooktop I will get more adventurous with my cooking.

I will finish this post with a few pics from Fresher's Week.

A view of Front Square and the many clubs and societies trying to push their causes.

Looking down on the wine reception.


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