Sunday, October 7, 2007

Homestay Adventures

I have just returned from my homestay in County Limerick. More specifically I was in the town of Bruree, which is only 9 kilometers from the line of County Cork. It was a four hour bus ride out there from Dublin, through gorgeous countryside dotted with thousands of cows and sheep.

The Homestay

One of my roommates Hannah and I were joined by another girl who is studying in Cork named Kendall. Our hosts Helen and Tom are a retired couple who are currently taking in an exchange student from Germany named Moritz besides us. It was a very full house, but inviting. Helen informed us that the front walls of her home are 400 years old! A touch cluttered, and stereotypically Irish, we ate large quantities of unidentifiable foods with several kinds of potatoes. They had a large amount of chickens, four dogs, and two cats. On Saturday, Moritz, Kendall, Hannah, and I took the bus to Limerick, the closest city. The closest bus stop is literally on the side of the main road in a field. The adventure was only beginning. We arrived in Limerick and proceeded to wander around the city, amongst some unsavory looking people at the bus station, and eventually found our way to a castle. St. John's Castle overlooks the Shannon River and has a rich history dating back to the 1200's. We also visited St. Mary's Cathedral near by, which is the oldest cathedral in Ireland, dating back to medieval times. It was a beautiful day for sightseeing.

On top of the castle

This morning, Hannah, Kendall, Moritz and I took one of the dogs for a walk to a nearby cemetery that was from the times of the famine. I also got some great photographs there, but it was heartbreaking to see such a beautiful place of historical significance so neglected and forgotten. The grass was very overgrown and the grave markers broken and worn. It reminded me alot of the Jewish Cemetery in Berlin, also long neglected and dilapidated. There was a stray dog there eating a bone, Hannah and I tried to get a good picture, but we can only hope it was not a human bone. Bizarre.

Neglected cemetery
I am very happy to be back at Lissenfield with my computer!
This video, is a commercial airing here in Ireland that is so graphic and over the top I had to share it in my blog. We all agreed it is one of the most disturbing anti speeding commercials ever, and would probably not be shown in American. Effective.


First day of lectures tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

oh lord! they should show that here! lol