Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Slow News Day

There is not too much going on here at Lissenfield. With no classes today, I spent the day lazing around the house. Much to my delight I received an amazing package from my mom, filled with American goodies, Goldfish and peanut butter included. Thanks again.

Lee also hooked me up with a copy of In Rainbows the new Radiohead album, which came out today on the web for download. The box set will set you back 40 pounds, but it contains 2 cd's and 2 vinyls. Naturally, the website is horribly overloaded and I am lucky enough to have a computer literate boyfriend to get me a copy of the album. Thanks Lee. I have been rocking out all day. Granted, most of the tracks are not gracing my ears for the first time, it is still nice to have a crisp new set of tracks in my Foobar. Hopefully, more artists in the future will continue to release their material online. This very well could be the beginning of an all digital music revolution.

I highly encourage everyone to try and get their paws on a copy of In Rainbows or if not, just download Foobar and experience the amazingness of that instead.

Tomorrow is my crazy full day of lectures. Expect a big report on that tomorrow.


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