Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Museums and Markets

This morning Lee and I started the day with a little bit of culture by going to the Van Gogh Museum. There is so much great art here in Amsterdam, and the Van Gogh is no exception. The exhibitions chronicles Van Gogh's life through his art, and presents his process and development as an artist, into the style that is associated with him today. There are many earlier works, and there is also alot of biographical information presented, that allows for a greater picture of such a brilliant artist. (Terrible puns aside) It was my second visit to the museum but I was much more enriched this time around, it also gave me an oppurtunity to send a video message to some loved ones from the museum shop.

Next, Caren, Lee and I went to an open air market that sold everything from clothes to fresh fish. We did some shopping and then headed to lunch at a North African restaurant for falafels. After we got some energy, it was on to the larger task of purchasing vegetables for Thanksgiving. On the list, 10lbs of potatoes. Potatoes are not as plentiful and varied as they are in America, but some hunting found some very nice potatoes in a shop along the market, after grabbing a few other necessities, chocolate covered peanuts, and candy of course we headed back to the Singel to unload all the spoils. Lee singlehandedly carried 4 kilos of potatoes back on the tram. Not an easy feat, but he survived.

Tomorrow is the big day, THANKSGIVING. My favorite holiday.


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